Super Fun with Superfund

Whitehead E. S. conducted a Phase I ESA and subsequent Phase II Investigation for a client that wanted to purchase a property in the Dallas area that was a closed State Superfund case. The project Site consisted of the Superfund site (former plating company) and an adjacent property used for storage.

At the time of investigation, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) file repository was closed in response to Covid-19. As an alternative, Whitehead E. S. contacted the TCEQ Superfund Project Manager who kindly shared available files regarding assessment, remediation, and closure.

Based on the TCEQ data, Whitehead E. S. conducted soil and groundwater sampling at the former Superfund portion of the Site to determine the current concentrations of the chemicals of concern (COCs), primarily metals from the former plating facility. The concentrations of several metals were above their respective Tier 1 Default Protective Concentration Levels (PCLs), but were well below their Superfund Cleanup Target Concentrations and current health based PCLs. The sampling verified that the Superfund cleanup efforts were effective in reducing metal concentrations to below acceptable levels for the purchaser and the real estate deal was completed. When tough deals come together, it’s “Super Fun”.


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