Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap!

Whitehead E. S. worked side-by-side with a local remediation firm, Environmental Logistics Company (ELC), to close a Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) case on a dry cleaner located in Fort Worth, Texas. The Site was impacted with chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including tetrachloroethene (commonly referred to as “perc”) and its common degradation products in the soil and groundwater. The Site met the criteria of a Class 3 Groundwater Resource, which increased the assessment/remediation levels to 100 times the default values.

The VOC concentrations were still elevated in the soil and soil gas samples collected from inside the former dry cleaner. Whitehead E. S. located the “hot spot” of impacted soil (behind the former dry cleaning machine) and subsequently delineated, excavated, and disposed the impacted soil to an off-Site landfill. Confirmation soil sampling indicated that VOC concentrations were sufficiently low enough to work towards closure. Follow up indoor air sampling showed that vapor levels were also significantly reduced in the former dry cleaning lease space. As a result, TCEQ issued a final Certificate of Closure (e. g., case closed) for the Site. Whitehead E. S. appreciates the assistance of the Contractor and TCEQ case coordinator on the successful closure of this VCP case.


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