Municipal Setting Designation for Contaminated Retail Site

Texas Real Estate Developer WES conducted a Phase II ESA sampling at this retail center in central Texas. The Site was impacted with metals in the soil and dry cleaning related compounds such as tetrachloroethene (“perc”) in the groundwater. The property was subsequently entered into TCEQ’s Voluntary Cleanup Program. Since the contaminants were present above […]
Former Landfill Site

Texas Real Estate Developer WES is working with the developer on a strip center located on top of a former city landfill. WES conducted a Phase I ESA followed by soil, soil gas, and groundwater sampling (e. g., Phase II Sampling). Since the property is a former landfill and fixed gases (methane) were present, WES […]
Former Industrial Facility

Dallas Real Estate Developer Assistance with Corrective Action project of former industrial facility. WES assisted client with municipal setting designation (MSD) in a city which had not previously approved an MSD application. WES is also assisting the client with evaluation of soil, groundwater, and soil gas data and will be working with the client to […]
Historical Oil & Gas Wells

Environmental Assessment of Property with Oil & Gas Leases Whitehead Environmental Solutions conducted an environmental assessment of north Texas property with several historical oil & gas wells. Most of the oil & gas wells were either plugged or out of service. One of the wells was pumping oil to above-ground storage tanks. WES checked with […]
Why Do I Need a Phase I ESA?

Holiday Inn says, “The Best Surprise is No Surprise.” Fram says, “Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later.” And we say, “You Buy the Land, You Buy the Environmental.” That’s why lenders typically require environmental due diligence in the form of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and why you should consider a Phase […]
Selecting the Right Environmental Due Diligence Consultant

Finding Mr. Right: Choosing a Consultant for a Phase I ESA There are a lot of choices when it comes to picking an environmental consultant to perform your Environmental Due Diligence work. In most cases, this process starts with finding the right consultant for your Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA). Usually the three keys […]
Top 10 Phase I ESA Questions

Here are the most common questions we receive regarding Phase I Environmental Assessments. We did a Phase I ESA a couple of years ago; do I need another Phase I ESA now? Yes, selected ESA components (e.g., review of government records and visual inspections) must be updated within 180 days, while overall the ESA report […]
New EPA Tool Helps Determine Environmental Liability for Superfund Sites

Source: Bloomberg: Bureau of National Affairs (June 2018) The EPA’s new tool for determining companies’ liabilities at Superfund sites will soon be released to the public, according to the agency. The Environmental Protection Agency is developing the tool as a result of Administrator Scott Pruitt’s efforts to speed up contaminated site cleanup and push the […]
10 Myths about Environmental Risk Liability

Think you know everything about your potential liability in a property transaction? Misconceptions abound when it comes to who’s responsible for cleaning up a contaminated property. With so much at stake, it’s no surprise that buyers, sellers and lenders are often confused about environmental liability risk. Let’s debunk the 10 most common myths: Myth #1: […]